frequently asked questions

General questions

  1. I have just downloaded the evaluation, and can't understand how you can change the pitch of the loop without changing the speed, and vice versa!

    To do this, you need the full registered version of WaveSurgeon or Möbius, and a sequencer such as Cakewalk, Logic, or Cubase. Once a loop is loaded and the segments saved off (individually or in a Sound Font) alongside a midi file, load the midi file into your sequencer + match it to the samples. You may then adjust the tempo in the sequencer (and transpose up or down if you have left a suitable interval). It is possible to test this feature in the evaluation version! Simply load the supplied (in the directory you installed the program to) sample1.mid and sample1.sf2 into your sequencer and soundcard respectively.

  2. Looping doesn't (didn't..) work!

    Previous versions (pre version 2) of WaveSurgeon did not loop the sample properly when using Event Soundcards (apparently due to soundcard driver flaws), or Windows NT. Version 2 or higher (and of course Möbius) features new code which is reported to work on these systems. Please report any further problems to us, although note that it is probably a driver related issue.

  3. Any chance of an Apple Mac version?

    Maybe... anyone with Mac expertise is welcome to email us ;->.

  4. Any chance of a version for Win 3.1?

    No. WaveSurgeon has been tested using Win32s, and doesn't function properly (therefore Möbius has no chance!). Thanks to Andrew Kettle for this.

  5. I click save + nothing happens!

    This is a surprisingly common question. Just make sure you name the file first... :>.

  6. How do I use Möbius / WaveSurgeon with Koan Pro?

    Koan is a cool generative music program (from Sseyo - see the links page), which can also regenerate breakbeats. WaveSurgeon and Möbius are particularly useful with Koan Pro, as they directly generate SoundFonts for use in the program. To use WaveSurgeon or Möbius generated SoundFonts:

    • Load your sample. Process it to your satisfaction, set the sensitivity (to a high level) and the bars (beats should equal 0), and save a SoundFont and midi file.
    • Select New from the File Menu, and create a normal template.
    • Set 'Voice type' to parameter group 5 - 'Fixed Pattern'.
    • Click the 'Patch' name option, and select 'SoundFont'. Click the button to browse for and select the SoundFont you have just saved.
    • Name the voice and piece.
    • Click the pattern editor button and press 'Import'. Open the midi file you have just saved.
    • Set the correct number of bars as set in WaveSurgeon.
    • Select 'Forced Frequency Relative to Root' under 'Import Pattern Style'.
    • Press the 'Extract Pattern' button, followed by 'Apply' and 'Close'.
    • Set 'Octv' to the correct octave (3 if the midi file was saved using WaveSurgeon's default settings).
    • Press 'Apply', and close the 'Pattern Editor'.
    • Press 'Play' to hear the results.

    A note from Koan user Mark Harrop on this:

    The key thing for the use you describe is to force the frequency of the pattern import, otherwise the scale rule will take over, often with "interesting" results.

    For maximum uncertainty, try slicing up the beat into quantised steps (say 16th notes), don't bother with the midi timing file and assign the SoundFont to a rhythmic voice with a dedicated, one parameter rhythm rule that matches the duration of each slice and a scale rule that corresponds to the sample placement in the SoundFont. Set the "Harmonise?" parameter to off and use a dedicated next note rule to guide the relationships between consecutive samples. It might not always be art, but it's usually fun!

  7. I have this really cool idea I want you to put in your product! Can you do it?

    Well, most of the latest features have come from user suggestions, so its probably possible. Unless it's really difficult... :>

  8. Help! I use Cubase, and the tempo keeps resetting when I try to change it.

    Make sure the 'Master' setting is turned off from the transport panel, as this otherwise keeps the tempo the same as set in the midi file.

  9. When I play back the loop in my sequencer, it sounds 'choppy' or 'reverby'...

    Try lengthening the smoothing setting (in the former case), or shortening it (in the former case).

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